Gaussian Splatting on Metal Dev Log
Links & Resources
- Apple Metal-cpp home page
- Metal Sample Code
- Performing Calculations on a GPU - sample code
- Simple GPU Sorting Tutorial in O(n^2) - good first-attempt of non-optimal sorting, keeping within the constraints of non-compute shaders
- NVIDIA Improved GPU Sorting chapter from a book - bit academic, but probably the best intro-to-advanced tutorial I’ve found.
- Academic paper comparing GPU sorting algorithms
- WIP PR implementing ML metal compute kernels in HF Candle
- Good slides on bitonic sorting (linked from here)
- Bitonic sort for n not a power of 2
- With the CPU reference implementation working, time to try a GPU version. Initially I’m going to keep the kernel simple, just taking in two buffers and sorting values between them.
kernel void bitonic_swap_asc(device unsigned int* left, device unsigned int* right, uint index [[thread_position_in_grid]])
unsigned int l = left[index];
unsigned int r = right[index];
left[index] = min(l, r);
right[index] = max(l, r);
The complexity of which elements should be swapped will be encoded in the command buffer. This means the earlier layers will have many more commands (operating over less data though). Doubt this will be optimal but interested to see both if it’s correct without any memory fences, and how it performs.
Somehow it worked first-try! 🤯
Performance wise, it’s not good:
Generating 1048576 random integers
Generated 1048576 random integers
std::sort() execution time: 21 ms
sort_radix() execution time: 35 ms
sort_bitonic() execution time: 53 ms
[0ms] - Starting bitonic encoding
[2665ms | Δ2665ms] - Finished bitonic encoding
[37180ms | Δ34515ms] - Bitonic execution completed
bitonic_sort_gpu() execution time: 37180 ms
The previous O(n^2) GPU sort took around 27 seconds for 1 million values, while this method is taking over 37 seconds despite the fact it’s meant to be O(n log^2 n). It’s also weird just how long it’s spending encoding the commands, so I suspect there’s a bug where I’m encoding way too many but because it’s idempotent it’s not impacting the results.
- Implemented a working CPU version of the bitonic sort with only a few rounds of bugs. Did you know C++ vectors don’t do bounds checks by default? I didn’t and nor did my professional C++ programmer friend.
Bitonic sort is ~3x slower than the other algorithms at this data scale:
Generating 1048576 random integers
Generated 1048576 random integers
std::sort() execution time: 29 ms
sort_radix() execution time: 34 ms
sort_bitonic() execution time: 105 ms
Extending to about 10x slower at higher data scale:
Generating 16777216 random integers
Generated 16777216 random integers
std::sort() execution time: 296 ms
sort_radix() execution time: 523 ms
sort_bitonic() execution time: 2297 ms
Spent a little bit of time trying out some perf optimisations. Initially, the hot loop looked like this:
void bitonic_split(std::vector<unsigned int> &bitonic_seq, const int start, const int end, bool ascending) {
int diff = (end - start) / 2;
for (int i = start; i < start + diff; i++) {
int j = i + diff;
unsigned int left = bitonic_seq[i];
unsigned int right = bitonic_seq[j];
if (ascending) {
bitonic_seq[i] = std::min(left, right);
bitonic_seq[j] = std::max(left, right);
} else {
bitonic_seq[i] = std::max(left, right);
bitonic_seq[j] = std::min(left, right);
The first thing I tried out was splitting into two separate functions (bitonic_split_asc
and bitonic_split_dec
), and using a single if
statement for the swapping. I figured that would reduce branching and memory reads, but it had a neglible effect (both ran at about 2.6s for 16777216 uints). I also tried replacing the two if branches with a single more complex if (if ((left < right && !ascending) || (right < left && ascending))
) and direct assignment. This was a lot slower than the min/max approach (~3.3s). By far the largest perf gain came from combining the min/max and the separate asc/dec functions:
Generating 16777216 random integers
Generated 16777216 random integers
std::sort() execution time: 348 ms
sort_radix() execution time: 599 ms
sort_bitonic() execution time: 1196 ms
An impressive 2x speedup for that change alone, contrary to expectations. I guess branch-prediction failures are much more expensive than the extra memory writes? And maybe something about the cache hierarchy makes writing/not writing fairly cheap.
Algorithms / Reference
The NVIDIA book chapter mentions two algorithms for sorting. The first is the O(n^2) technique covered in the other blog post, which can be implemented trivially with a single shader (or with two that alternate, but I eventually realised you can just shift the offsets and grid size and re-use the same kernel the whole time.)
kernel void slow_sort(device unsigned int* data, uint index [[thread_position_in_grid]])
uint idx = index*2;
uint left = data[idx];
uint right = data[idx+1];
if (left < right) {
data[idx] = left;
data[idx+1] = right;
} else {
data[idx] = right;
data[idx+1] = left;
This kernel must be run n
times such that any element at the start of the list can swap it’s way to the end.
The “odd-even merge sort” is then described as an algorithm that sorts odd and even keys separately, then merges them. The stages are then scaled up in powers of two until the whole array is sorted. Unlike the previous algorithm this needs log n
passes and results in an O(n^2 log n) runtime. The formatting for their code is broken - here’s the (CUDA) kernel they provide that implements the algorithm (comments are theirs):
uniform vec3 Param1;
uniform vec3 Param2;
uniform sampler2D Data;
#define OwnPos gl_TexCoord[0]
// contents of the uniform data fields
#define TwoStage Param1.x
#define Pass_mod_Stage Param1.y
#define TwoStage_PmS_1 Param1.z
#define Width Param2.x
#define Height Param2.y
#define Pass Param2.z
void main(void) {
// get self
vec4 self = texture2D(Data, OwnPos.xy);
float i = floor(OwnPos.x * Width) + floor(OwnPos.y * Height) * Width;
// my position within the range to merge
float j = floor(mod(i, TwoStage));
float compare;
if ( (j < Pass_mod_Stage) || (j > TwoStage_PmS_1) )
// must copy -> compare with self
compare = 0.0;
else if ( mod((j + Pass_mod_Stage) / Pass, 2.0) < 1.0)
// we are on the left side -> compare with partner on the right
compare = 1.0;
// we are on the right side -> compare with partner on the left
compare = -1.0;
// get the partner
float adr = i + compare * Pass;
vec4 partner = texture2D(Data, vec2(floor(mod(adr, Width)) / Width,floor(adr / Width) / Height));
// on the left it's a < operation; on the right it's a >= operation
gl_FragColor = (self.x * compare < partner.x * compare) ? self : partner;
This is called with some specific pass loops on the CPU. If you squint, this looks pretty similar to the code above with a few extra steps, so I’m assuming there’s some aspect here about which sections of the texture are passed to the shader for performing the sort. The article itself seems focused on how to implement the algorithm efficiently using fragment and vertex shaders, and seems to have been written before the advent of GPGPU given the amount of time spent dealing with the specific restrictions they have. It is interesting to read about those considerations, and I’d be curious to know how much is still relevant even when writing pure-compute shaders.
Development Log
- Found a simple O(n^2) parallel sort that iteratively swaps values in each pass. Well suited to GPUs and a good sorting litmus test.
- Had some fun getting the implementation working - usual C++ sharp edges, e.g had an m_data_buffer private member that hid the value in the parent class causing segfaults, and some other general structure / who-does-what kind of problems. Overall, it works! However, it’s currently hilariously slow compared to my CPU radix sort implementation:
Elements | CPU | GPU |
32 | 1µs | 5773µs |
65536 | 4993µs | 9034348µs (over 9 seconds!) |
- I think this is more likely to be a problem with the way I’m implementing the two-pass system, encoding each command one-by-one and waiting for completion. The fact that even the 32 element version (which is just 32 passes through a very small amount of data) takes so long implies to me that this is all overhead, not any actual problem with the compute. To test out this theory, will need to refactor the whole thing to push all the passes onto the command queue at once.
- Looking at one of Apple’s sample codes to figure out the right way to setup multiple commands on the GPU over the same data, (Image Filtering with Heaps and Events)[]. I don’t quite get why they use this event thing to wait for compute, clearly something missing in my understanding of what guarantees the GPU is offering (maybe they’re not using the waitUntilCompleted thing for faster perf?).
- Switched to encoding two passes at a time, which executes but currently returns incorrect results. Sad. Perf seems better thought.
- Fixed the two-pass implementation (wasn’t actually using the odd pass kernel 🤦🏼♂️). It is faster! 4547352µs (~4.5 seconds) which is roughly half the previous time, suggesting my previous thesis of “it’s all overhead not compute time” is correct. So, lets encode all the commands at once and see how that goes.
- Encoding all at once works and is substantially faster - we’re now well under a second for 2^16 values (278113µs / 0.27 seconds). Curious if this scales to much larger pipelines (i.e how big can the command buffer be?) and how much of the time is spent on the encoding vs actual GPU execution. Will do some simple logging timer stuff, but also worth looking into the metal profiling/debugging tools further now things are getting interesting. Also, the buffer we’re using is explicitly a shared buffer between GPU and CPU - but within passes, it doesn’t need to be shared at all. An alternative approach where we first copy into a private GPU buffer before execution might be interesting to play around with.
- Some timing logs below:
// array size of 65536
std::sort() execution time: 4030 µs
sort_radix() execution time: 7227 µs
[0µs] - Starting encoding pass
[9µs | Δ9µs] - Finished encoding
[9µs | Δ0µs] - Committed command buffer
[303µs | Δ293µs] - Execution completed
slow_sort_gpu() execution time: 303853 µs
// array size of 1048576
std::sort() execution time: 58079 µs
sort_radix() execution time: 96485 µs
[0µs] - Starting encoding pass
[112µs | Δ112µs] - Finished encoding
[112µs | Δ0µs] - Committed command buffer
[26947µs | Δ26834µs] - Execution completed
slow_sort_gpu() execution time: 26948016 µs
Looks like the vast majority of the time is the compute, 9 ms vs 112 ms difference in encoding is a little over 10x for a data scale increase of 16, but the compute time dwarfs it by an order of magnitude.
Interestingly, it turns out that using an if(a<b)
implementation is consistently a few milliseconds faster than an x = max(a,b); y = min(a,b)
one (~275ms vs ~250ms), which is the opposite of what I’d have expected. Will need to enable profiling to understand what’s going on here, interesting stuff.
- As an optimisation, tested out writing to an internal buffer and then doing the sort passes entirely in private memory. My initial implementation is producing incorrect results, but does seem to be executing a lot faster - 14 seconds vs 26 seconds from above. One theory of why it’s not working is that the memory barriers aren’t setup correctly (so it’s not waiting for each kernel to finish). Will test a simpler “copy kernel then normal swapping” approach before diving too far into this.
- Realised my overly fancy copy thing probably wouldn’t work, and instead did a separate copy-pass before the rest of the commands - sadly it still isn’t getting correct results, and the perf gains seen before haven’t been retained (not really sure why given the bugs shouldn’t have affected the number of encoded commands / total amount of compute), but broadly seems like this might not be a particularly effective optimisation. Sad. Gonna see if adding a fence makes it correct and then drop this branch.
- Got the code into a more usable structure moving forwards - can now easily test many separate GPU functions without starting from scratch each time. Also having fun hitting the many rough edges of C++ - e.g (you can’t call virtual methods from a constructor)[], but it just fails at runtime with no compiler warnings if you do despite this being a Known Limitation.
- Tested different batch sizes running the GPU double function. Got best performance out of 128, but still roughly 4x slower than just cpu (300µs vs 1100µs for 1048576 elements). At 1024 performance started degrading again.
- Not sure what the best next-step is for an actual GPU sort. Maybe a small 64 element sort written in Metal, which could later compose into something larger?
Today: lets get started on writing a sort in Metal and see how far we can get.
- Spent way way too long getting clangd to work and compile Objective-C++ correctly. Now it does work it’s great, but that was a lot of wasted time…
- Creating a
cpp class to create the metal shader / buffer / etc directly from the device, ideally without needing to spin up the whole AppDelegate stuff needed to display things on the screen. This reminds me how much I’ve forgotton about C++, can barely remember how to write a standard class. - Got the basic structure of the
class working nicely. It handles all the data transfer, command encoding and execution on the GPU. It correctly doubles an array of values passed to it, although so far slower than a CPU version. - Now trying to figure out how to split the work into blocks. Have a simple version that does 2 elements at a time, still not sure what the optimal split would be (or, how I should do the parallel sort piece).
Doubling 16777216 values:
Elements | GPU | CPU |
1 | 9460µs | 4437µs |
2 | 8536µs | 3672µs |
8 | 7877μs | 3148μs |
64 | 9367µs | 3747µs |
(the CPU value should technically be the same every time, so this really just shows some of the variance in this simple testing script).
Seems like will need to do a little more work to optimise the Metal compute. It’s also possible that despite this being a very parallelisable problem, CPUs are just efficient enough at it and it’s memory-bound enough that the parallel advantage isn’t coming through.
Unlogged Work
Started on this a few months back but forgot to do any writeups.
Decided to do some C++ / Metal integration as that felt like a relatively well-supported/well trodden path. Ran into some annoyances with the build system as usual, but ended up with a simple enough Makefile for both the metal shaders and the C++ part.
The two things that make it annoying:
- Metal shaders have a separate proprietary compiler and have to be pulled into a bundle in their own way. Annoyingly, there was a weird bug that led to different behaviour with the same shader when I compiled/combined the shaders in one particular way (I forget which).
- Showing a window with the results is done via Objective-C (Objective-C++ in this case), meaning two ways to define classes and manage memory.
Gaussian splats take a huge number of values, sort them by distance from camera (I think), and then remove occluded values. One of the reasons this works so well is that GPUs can do sorting very very fast. CUDA has some sophisticated GPU sorting libraries already, but Metal doesn’t seem to - so, writing a sorting algorithm in Metal seemed like a good starting point.
There are two algorithms that commonly get implemented on GPUs - Bitonic Sort and Radix Sort. I spent a while trying to figure out how the bitonic sorting algorithm actually works before switching to a simple Radix and implementing it in raw C++ as a baseline for performance. It took a while to get into the swing of that kind of coding, but eventually wrote a working in-place binary radix sort (phew). It performs pretty well - just 2x slower than std::sort on large random data.
Generating 33554432 random integers
Generated 33554432 random integers
std::sort() execution time: 2194525 microseconds
sort_radix() execution time: 3719207 microseconds